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Writer's pictureCaroline O'Brien

5 Things I Miss Most About Travel

1. I miss the anticipation and the thrill of knowing a trip is just around the corner. Doing the research on a proposed trip is where the fun starts for me. Reading about the area, looking at maps and photos, watching videos, and putting the bones of the journey together, is already a travel experience in and of itself. During this time, this research is where I can still cure my travel bug, from the safety of home. I have been spending some of this quarantine putting together some fun travel itineraries and tours!

2. I miss taking a break from the daily grind and getting a little (or a lot) out of my comfort zone. While we have been hunkered down and staying home, I have come to realize that one of the things that is hardest thing for me to deal with is the monotony - the sameness of every day. Sheltering close to home for such a long period of time has made the world seem a smaller place. The cure on any given day may be as simple as varying the route of my daily walk, or hiking or snowshoeing in the great outdoors. No packing or Airports required! Of course it doesn't hurt when you live in an area with a bounty of natural beauty!

3. I miss the History, the Culture, the People, the Food. Reading and research is wonderful, but walking in the footsteps of those who created art and those who designed buildings and gardens is so inspiring. How about enjoying a traditional meal that has been enjoyed by locals for years prepared using the same fresh local ingredients? Or climbing up the ramparts of a castle to see the same scene that lookouts used many years ago to protect their people. Some of the best discoveries are the ones that we just happen upon, like meeting up with a local who wants to chat and share stories of their town, or that back alley restaurant with the best food ever, or that beach with the most unusual seashells.

4. The Airport - yes! I love the airport, I love it for going and returning. The airport to me is the bookends of the travel experience. I love the people watching, the hustle and bustle of getting through ticketing and even the security lines. Boarding, stowing luggage and finally clicking that seatbelt shut is the signal that the adventure is about to begin and fills me with anticipation! Entering another country even with the required documentation, is a thrilling and slightly nerve-wracking experience. The flight home brings an opportunity to digest the travel experience and contemplate the journey.

5. Home Sweet Home - I love to travel, but would travel ever be a pleasure if I didn't have a place to call home? I love the welcome home greeting from a loved one. I love that familiar scent when I walk into my home. I love that first night in my own bed. I love waking up at home a little bit disoriented at first then discovering I'm home! I love to travel, but at the close of the adventure for me the words of Dorothy ring true "There's no place like home". So for now as we shelter in place - I'll enjoy my Home Sweet Home and dream of travels in my future!

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1 comentário

11 de jan. de 2021

Well written blog.....

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